Jayana Andy, Tjukula/waterhole, 2022. Wheel thrown stoneware, underglazes, sgraffito. 52 x 225 x 185mm. Tjukula/waterhole, 2022. Wheel thrown stoneware, underglazes, sgraffito. 200 x 305 x 235mm. Image courtesy of Sara Maiorino.

Clay on Country

22 Feb 2025 – 22 Jun 2025

ceramics from the central desert

Clay on Country is a celebration of clay, community, culture and creativity.

Showcasing the enthusiasm for ceramic practice in the central desert region the exhibition is a diverse and eclectic survey, the first of its kind, including 35 artists and collectives, the majority of whom have made new work for the show. Some are established ceramic artists, some are reconnecting with the medium, others are incorporating clay into their practice for the first time. All have produced accomplished, insightful, and contemporary works that reflect the culturally and historically rich and complex region where they live and work.

The varied works in Clay on Country reflect Ancestral stories, contemporary experiences and settler histories alongside the joys and challenges of making with clay, the push and pull of the medium and the myriad results of an engagement with this most tactile of materials.

Curated by Jo Foster and Neridah Stockley the exhibition is the first survey of its kind, developed to coincide with the 16th Australian Ceramics Triennale.

Opening: 2pm Saturday 22 February 2025

Artback NT is assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body and Proudly Sponsored by Arts NT.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government's Visions of Australia program.

Clay on Country – ceramics from the central desert. Presented in partnership, at Central Goldfields Art Gallery, with the Art Gallery of Ballarat.

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Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from central desert artists – BOOK NOW as there are limited places.

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This Q & A session with central desert artists is free to attend – no booking required.

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Phone: (+61 3) 5461 6600

Old Fire Station
1 Neill Street Maryborough, Victoria

Opening Hours
Thursday to Sunday 10am–4pm

The Gallery will be closed on ANZAC Day and Good Friday.

The Gallery will be closed from 4pm Sunday 22 December 2024 and reopen 10am on Thursday 2 January 2025.

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Supported by the Australian Government's Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program.

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Central Goldfields Art Gallery is situated on the traditional lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung and pays respect to Elders past and present and emerging.