Contact Us

Phone: 03 5461 6600 


Old Fire Station
1 Neill Street Maryborough, Victoria.

Opening hours:
Thursday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm.

The Gallery will close on Good Friday and ANZAC Day.

Mailing address:
PO Box 194, Maryborough, Victoria, 3465.

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Conversation, an oil painting on canvas board  by Ray Crooke_CGAG.0012

Ray Crooke, Conversation, Date unknown (circa 1943-2000), oil on canvas board ,790 x 630 x 35 mm. Central Goldfields Art Gallery Collection (CGAG.0012). © David Crooke. Reproduced with permission of the copyright holder.

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Phone: (+61 3) 5461 6600

Old Fire Station
1 Neill Street Maryborough, Victoria

Opening Hours
Thursday to Sunday 10am–4pm

The Gallery will be closed on ANZAC Day and Good Friday.

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Supported by the Australian Government's Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program.

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Central Goldfields Art Gallery is situated on the traditional lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung and pays respect to Elders past and present and emerging.