Contact Us

Phone: 03 5461 6600 


Old Fire Station
1 Neill Street Maryborough, Victoria.

Opening hours:
Thursday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm. FREE ENTRY.

The Gallery will close on Good Friday and ANZAC Day.

Mailing address:
PO Box 194, Maryborough, Victoria, 3465.

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Conversation, an oil painting on canvas board  by Ray Crooke_CGAG.0012

Ray Crooke, Conversation, Date unknown (circa 1943-2000), oil on canvas board ,790 x 630 x 35 mm. Central Goldfields Art Gallery Collection (CGAG.0012). © David Crooke. Reproduced with permission of the copyright holder.

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Phone: (+61 3) 5461 6600

Old Fire Station
1 Neill Street Maryborough, Victoria

Opening Hours
Thursday to Sunday 10am–4pm

The Gallery will be closed on ANZAC Day and Good Friday.

The Gallery will be closed from 4pm Sunday 22 December 2024 and reopen 10am on Thursday 2 January 2025.

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Supported by the Australian Government's Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program.

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Central Goldfields Art Gallery is situated on the traditional lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung and pays respect to Elders past and present and emerging.